Musical Lyrical Lingo

BTS Creative Academy

Season 2 Episode 19

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This week Tim and Lj are encouraging you to head over to BTS Creative Academy and listen to our episode with Behind the Scenes founder Dan! 

We had an amazing time as guests on his podcast and would love you to give it a listen!

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Musical Lyrical Lingo Intro

Musical Lyrical Lingo end jingle 

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go live oh it looks like it's working looks


like we're live looks like we're live we're live on the on the internet the


worldwide so uh thank you both for joining me on the BTS creative Academy


podcast um this is episode uh 154 wow wow and we proud of episode 57


on our on our podcast but 154 is incredible well you'll get there you'll


get there and this is what it's all about and maybe you know if you like what we talk about in this episode this


could be your episode as well so 55 for you guys


yeah um so today we have you guys are the um musical I got I'll get my mouth


around this yeah musical lyrical lingo podcast that's it


yeah a lot of times it gets easier the more you say it yeah you got to get your tongue around it um I did a little clip


while I was walking this morning to like say guys we're going live and I I had to do it three or four times


to it's fine we edit our podcast as I'm sure most of our listeners or yourself


know so um we make mistakes all the time we just make it up sometimes to be honest the name it could be a different


name each week but sure well that's all I'm doing with this every time I'm doing this I'm just making it up as I go along


just just seeing see and what come so um I've been listening to your podcast since I discovered you guys on H Tik Tok


yeah um I've seen your Clips on there and I started listening in and uh because I love musical theater I love


theater and I love to hear what you guys have got to say about it but one of the things I really loved about your podcast


was hearing and listening into the friendship that you guys have a thank you yeah that's really special and


actually something that we we love as well very we're very fortunate and like


we we have been friends from a really young age like five six years old and


then you know when we reached adulthood and we ended up you know going into what


Ventures we went into jobwise we didn't see a huge amount of each other until Lauren had the idea for this podcast and


I like I see too much of her to be quite honest with you yeah it's lovely like


the podcast has like brought us back around to being very much in each other's lives a lot again which is


really nice I think the thing about that whenever we first met we probably would have spent about six out of the seven


days together um with being at school and Stage school and maybe doing shows like during the week so we were pretty


much in each other's pockets and then as Timothy said just ad Hood just changed and we still seen each other you know


maybe at shows and and whatever but um and birday parties you know that usual adult adult times you see your friends


and then this has just been really nice where we're like oh I just slaughtered back into those like 15y old sales where


we still bickered as if we were like in the classroom which is quite because I bumped into our Drama teacher recently


and um she said oh I'm listen to your podcast and it just makes me think that we're back in drama class because you


are just as annoying each other as just were back then it works yeah that's wonderful that sounds so nice that


you've managed to reconnect through doing this this creative thing having a chat about the stuff that you love yeah


and it's brought you both back together that's that's just lovely and if if


nothing else comes ever of the podcast that in itself is beautiful isn't it


yeah yeah there's a bit of selfish selfishness to her podcast and it's almost like rehab for us it's like it's


like or in our busy week where we just like sit and have a bit of a chat have a bit of crack we're from Northern Ireland


so crack is like our you know fun just oh I need to explain that


one explain that to the southern englishes from where yeah we just have a bit of fun and


talk about what we love which is is musical theater and has been such a huge part of our our life and our childhood


and yeah growing up really so it's it's great I mean we've had fun so far so


long may I continue yeah and I think that's the important part is especially as a creative person which you are as


well Martin it's like it's hard whenever you get drawn into like real life or um


you know maybe the creative side of you isn't as predominant as it would be used to be so this has allowed us to take


time and find like a hobby again um because like we're in our mid-30s aate


30s um and sometimes you just kind of struggle with trying to find that identity because you've tried to be so


many different people throughout your life so yeah this is fun I I I completely resonate with that as well


being I'm 40 this year and yeah and I've had to do jobs that that aren't creative


in in my time and when you can find a way back to that creativeness you really


start to feel like you're your you're your true self yeah within that don't


you and it's amazing isn't it by having conversations how this I find this a creative


thing yeah it's it's um yeah you have to use your imagination and you have to you


have to play with it like you do with with the other creative things that you do um but where I wanted to to start


with this is I wanted to let people know what your podcast is about because it's got It's got this lovely name it's got


these two friends but in a nutshell for anyone that's that's discovering you for


the first time what is the musical lyrical lingo podcast great LJ because


this was LJ's idea so it's about what musicals have taught us so it started


from we were heavily involved in um Joseph whenever we were younger and I remember hearing that word fratricide


for the first time in one of uh the songs and I was like what does that mean and it taught me something so then I


thought actually musicals do that all the time there you come across new words new phrases it references maybe


something from history so I was like there's actually a podcast in this so it's just about learning and what musicals have taught us along the way so


whether it taught us something whenever we were age four age 14 or n like in our


30s just discovering something for the first time and it's quite interesting when we we would H normally we would


choose a musical for each uh episode and it's quite interesting the the learnings


how different they are depending on when we were first introduced to that show so if it was a show like Joseph we our


stage go would have been used H for the UK tour Productions each year when they would have come to Belfast so the things


that we learned from Joseph are are probably quite immature and and young compared to there's musicals that we are


researching for podcast now that we're still learning we're going oh I didn't realize you know when you listen to the


the soundtrack again you go oh what does that mean and then then when you actually do a bit of research you're


going gez we're still learning from musical theater and what you know the


content of the lyrics is so yeah it's interesting we're we're lifelong


Learners isn't that what they say yes yeah and and and I find that really interesting as well how this this stage


in our life we seem to be well I seem to be and I'm meeting lots of other people like yourselves that are very open to


learning and even more so than when we were younger yeah yeah I was to it


naturally rather than being forced you know you're not sitting in a in a school environment or a classroom somebody


telling you that you need to know this and learn this chosen subject as well


that's it yeah it's something you want you want to know more about or you enjoy spending the time you know looking into


and studying and researching so what if if you didn't


continue to learn right exactly yeah I find this all so so fascinating this


place of discovery that that we can be in with all of this so what's been your


um out of your podcast you've done 54 55 episodes now when did you start to


because I know for me there was like a moment where I was like yeah this is what I'm doing now this is this is like


this is my thing now I remember just like I didn't actually know it at at


that exact moment but when I reflected I was like that was it I'm now a podcast Host this is now what I do did you have


that moment I I think I'm still not struggling is the wrong word to use I'm


still working my head around the fact that this is this is something that we now do


CU I mean LJ was dead ke on it um and she had the idea and she came to me and


I went oh yeah sure what do you want for me and um I was like if if all you need


for me is to come and sit down and talk nonsense about musicals for an hour I


I'm in completely um I suppose for me it was at the end of of our first season


that we went oh my goodness we actually got through that and you know no episode


that we did was it difficult to talk about things or it just it just ran naturally um we didn't


plan anything you know we just arrived and we hit the record button we don't edit our episodes and we just let it fly


and like some of the we and of the we go on are


ridiculous having a debate about the beard yeah exactly it


NE it doesn't NE daff stories where you're like oh my


goodness I've really embarrassed myself but it just as fun and I think it was at the end of season one for me that I went


oh actually we can still keep doing this like there are people listening there are people enjoying in it you know the


feedback we're getting is really great and selfishly for us or for me anyway I absolutely love it so you know I love


spending time with LJ and just having a bit of fun so probably at the end of season one for me and sit down with your


best friend that's lovely I I think that's it too and now what I'm finding


is I'm mayie bumping into somebody that I haven't seen for a while and they go oh here I've listened to a couple of your episodes she two AG great together


and I'm like why are you listening to my podcast you don't like musicals or uh


but is somebody in work um saying that their girlfriend was listening to it because I was like I have a podcast I'm like actually are you musical L Eno I


was like oh my gosh yes so um yeah no I think it's I really


enjoy all the creative side so I also run a couple of businesses and I enjoy canva and like going on to like social


media and and making everything so because I'm maybe not as involved in more like a stage mom knowing um I'm not


as involved in the musical theater side performance as I would have been whenever I was younger I'm still being


creative um through social media channels through podcast and I'm really enjoying that side so yeah Lauren could


always talk to be honest like even from you know the age of five or six like she


could always just like talk and you know never makes sense like you know hold the


conversation and like lead the way so I knew coming into this with her it was never going to be an issue because even


if I sat going M she would she would just be able long yeah I think there's


two types of people that that come into this podcasting the ones that that can talk and have that freedom of expression


within you know not not much there's not much like there's not a there's not a break switch between the brain and the


voice just and then there's then the others that can listen and absorb and uh maybe


drive the conversation in a certain direction and uh yeah I feel like that's something that's always been me someone


that can can listen rather than rather than do the talking which puts me in the good position to be here to to share


what you guys have got to say well I think that really comes across in your podcast because I feel like whenever you


are interviewing your guests there's that intensity that you're listening and


you're wanting them to talk and tell their story and I feel that that's where you get that realness from your podcast


which I really enjoy watching and listening to so your skill is it's


wonderful interest when did you go oh actually this I'm not a podcaster like


when when did that realization so I was I started in the


very beginning in the first I think the first 14 episodes are friends people


that I'm close to people that I know um and the 15th episode I think it was I'm


probably wrong now um but the 15th episode with someone that I'm an acquaintance with someone that I know


but is not a friend i' I'd been to his acting workshops um I'd been to he he's a he's


an acting teacher an acting coach and I've been to his his sessions a few times and I invited him along and I


didn't know him on a personal level and I wasn't sure if I could connect to


someone that I didn't know like that and I did we connected really well we had a really insight full and an amazing


conversation and just part way through this I was like this is the thing that I'm doing now this it's just like a a


light bulb moment and and an Awakening to yeah I'm really enjoying it as


well and it was just um and I and it was something that I was NE I was never


confident talking to new people prior as well even though I was an actor and you


know everyone thinks actors have to be extroverts which I'm not not an extrovert I promise and I haven't got


lots of confidence I promise but everyone thought I did and yeah new people I shied away from new people or


people that weren't in my immediate circle I wouldn't have much to to to say or or or connect with um we


kind of did the same thing didn't we like our first couple of guests like we


would we try every so often to pop in you know a episode where we we


have a guest on but we started with those closest to us and I think then we had a local comedian that um had kind of


reached out and we had reached out to them and he was like the first guest that you know there wasn't that that


safety blanket or that comfort blanket there and we it was like once we got through that we went oh actually we we


we can approach other people now that we don't necessarily know in the hope that


they'll you know come on and share their story and their what they've learned from musico so yeah that's exactly it's


that moment that I stepped out of my comfort zone the moment that I stepped out because I do I run a community


theater near to where I live um and I recalled most of them from the theater


and so I'm in my theater I'm with my friends and that's quite comfortable and


that got me kind of going and eased me into it but yeah the moment that I


stepped out out of that is where it it opened up and something new happened yeah yeah so it's


stepping out of your comfort zone isn't it I think it's where the where the moment of achievement or the moment of


the new Direction comes yeah I just came into this Venture not really knowing


what we were doing or how you do how do you be a podcaster like we just


literally sat down and record it and even like you know like the technology that we used at the beginning compared


to what we're using now it's like a we were just swinging it like for we were you know like just we'll see how this


goes I think like I thought oh we'll do this and like our friends will listen


you know our listeners will be the people who know us the others that we grew up with in our you know our local


stage School you I would be involved in amateur Dramatics as a choreographer and


I thought maybe some of those people who are involved in that kind of thing they'll listen but it was when we


started to see okay there are people listening in this country and that country I'm like that's that was weird


for me I was like how did they hear about our podcast and then you know our


listener you know figures started to grow and grow so I went oh actually


we're we're proberly doing this now but I just thought it would be our friends that listened you know for a long yeah


it's strange for me I didn't when I started doing this and I came up with this idea of of giving it a


go I did yeah me the technology wasn't there either I just recorded it on my mobile phone in the first episode and in


fact the first episode the microphones didn't work um so it just purely on my mobile phone um and then I was still


making like loads of technical glitches in the beginning as well and and yeah and I I didn't consider that I didn't


even think about people would be interested to listen yeah but but but I


was interested to listen so then it's of course people are going to be interested in this there are going to be people out


there that I'm interested in creative things hence why I want to talk to creative people and of course there are


going to be others that are interested in that as well same with you there's tons of people out there that are interested in musical theater and tons


of people that are interested in friendships as well that's something that I really like


about your podcast is the friendship you don't you don't hear that on a lot of


podcasts you hear a lot the advice and the the the you know quite a few of them


are quite good at being authentic but the Friendship is quite rare to to get that so that's a really nice thing that


you got you guys have got going there oh going back to the beginning of your friendship then so you say you met when


you were five yeah yeah what what happened how


how how did that look good old Bugsy Malone yeah it was in theater yeah it


wasn't yeah so um Lauren always likes to make it very clear that she was here first so


that we have a local H stage girl in Banger Northern Ireland where we're from called McMaster stage SCH and Lauren was


already already a m MC she was already a member and then I arrived in um my dad


had been done a lot of musical Direction himself um so I kind of grew up with


that so it was probably a natural progression that they would shove me into Stage go you know on a Saturday 9


to5 get rid of Tim um and that's where I first met her and her lovely um pink um


bugy Malone outfit with her we button hat yeah dancing a dream pushing all the other girls out of the way because


Lauren always liked to be at the front that is terrible it's true all I remember Timothy slapping his


leg like pushing his way to the front gonna say what did you LJ what did you make of Tim when you first met him well


there wasn't very many Boys in stage school and it wasn't certainly wasn't as big as it is no and so you kind of knew


everybody and I remember him being he wasn't there for Wizard of O so I


remember it being like oh this is new and it also felt like there was a lot of new people joined um for that year so it


was kind of like getting through all the new people oh that's him oh he's that person's son all okay and he's got like


five parts and I've only got two is that cuz he's a boy you know just all those we little things but I just thought from


then literally our friendship just grew yeah you know and it was just we were the same age um we obviously were at


stage go all day and um it was somewhere where okay your parents probably sent


you but you choose chose to be there um got yeah like we loved her like


absolutely you know 5 o' came and I was like oh we have to go home no like can we not just keep tap dancing and singing


and having fun but I always thought Timothy was like a real show person and


at the end we had like somebody come on and do like the ballot um and he was really funny well Timothy was like over


the top laughing him I was like that boy laughs at everything but like you were like


this it was just like a little chuckle that have been fine Lauren's always been more of a straight actress you know she


likes the the more serious serious you know material whereas give me a a song


and dance number and I'm I'm happy like you both got your individual strengths


that that you so how many how many shows would you say you've done together then over the years


oh the thing is like in Ste girl we would have always done our end of term


show but we also there was like a way trip of us that would have gone to every


Nursing Home in Northern Ireland every opening of an envelope every time like


May C like EAS any sort of like dday we


we also had these um little like Snippets that we would have done so one was um the the 40s so it was all army


songs um so that was always great to do like in the nursing homes because brought back memories we had Oklahoma we


had my fair lady um we had KS king and queen which was great and then we were


all always commissioned so for like big balls um you know like big companies um


if he wanted some um entertainment at the beginning or in between the meals so we had like a French number like can can


we hadish we had for Hollywood the Caribbean there was loads of stuff that


people say could you do this and our dance teacher most fabulous woman that anybody could ever have met was like yep


and we rehearsed it and we did it and we maybe only learned it like three weeks beforeand but we were full costumes


ready go we were just rolled out like all the which signs like oh maybe that's


a bit iffy like you know these young children like being like honestly there would have been weeks where you maybe


had like two or three different you know events or shows to go to or nursing


homes throughout the week but we literally adored it do you know what I


mean like we were like yeah more more more and we danced in odd places like you know we would maybe would have done


Leisure centers on like the Monday night and then on Saturday we were opening up a car showroom and then we maybe had you


know a couple of nursing homes and then one it was a wedding you know it was just it was just so bizarre and at the


time I don't think we understood how not strange but how unique that experience


was because it doesn't happen anymore you know like no that doesn't happen


just in general like you know even you know like places aren't as open to


opening the door and bringing grips in do you know what I mean it it it just doesn't happen also there's not the


commitment there from you know younger the younger Generations now like they're


involved in so many different things that it just it just wouldn't work I think the best the you think that's


shame do you think that's a do you think that's a I think because that we learned in the


camaraderie that we had and the the closeness of our friendship Group which is linked like


most of my friends are stage go friends you that we've grown up with I think CU we were in each other's lives so much


because we were doing all of those different things it kids just don't have that anymore that to me they're a bit


flighty do you know what I mean like they've got they're one or two friends and then it's clicky and whereas we just


lived in each other's back pockets and also I a lot of kids trying oh I'll go


to this for tap and I'll go do this for jazz and I'll do this for balet our stage goal was was everything um apart


from balet but it was everything but it was more you were learning like professionalism so even no like um so I


would shop around a bit for different companies and even just seeing like kids not knowing to hang on the blacks or


step back if the audience can see you at the side of the stage then like you're too far you know step back just all


those little skills that we were taught being involved in professional Productions as well as our own stage go


but if you're at loads of different um groups like even Comm theater groups you're not maybe getting the same


teaching so it's maybe a little bit harder it's a lot of mixed messages is I think tell me about what they what


they did for you with the you touched on the connections there with people with the Friendship groups that you still got now the the people that you met when you


were younger what what did that mean to you as you as you grew up it was my life yeah I think that's it


and you you bared everything and like literally you know it was you you were getting changed in like the tiniest


little room and you were all just doing it or if you'd had a bad day at school it was okay you were going to go and see


those people later on because you had a nurse and home performance and that would have picked you up or you just got


to know each other really well like I can still look at Timothy and um a couple of our other friends and I know


when something's draw and you know and it's more like a family feeling um rather than just friendship I know by


you know how they're they're standing how they're looking and I just feel them I just feel every single part of them um


and I think it's just from spending so much time together I think it's that that support network that was that was


built within our stage cool group because um LJ mentioned there school


like school was not great for me to be quite honest with you I was a young boy who liked to sing and dance like school


Monday to Friday was hell on Earth but I knew on a Saturday I was going to my people do you know what I mean I was


going to my friends who enjoyed doing the same things I could talk to them


about things that had happened that week that I couldn't talk to anybody else about um it was just a real support


network do you know what I mean and so% yeah same for me I didn't I didn't get on too well at school either and I felt


like when I was at school no one I felt a little bit alien I felt like


completely different to everyone else like I had one main friend and then that


we we got on because we had a love for film and so there was a connection there but no one else really kind of yeah


understood me or I understood them and so when I found theater I found all


these other people that all of a sudden we we connected and we had things to


talk about that that were in common and I could yeah I could express myself in a


different way than I than I couldn't at school and it and it felt FR freeing


yeah which is so important for young people to have isn't it yeah well certainly in the early early years of


secondary school I didn't express myself at all like I literally went to school


did my classes and came home again like I wasn't myself I think I couldn't keep


the facade up for long enough so like the the later years you know just before


maybe lower and upper six um I was a bit more myself which is then when it was


the hardest time for me because I was I was like I can't like be a we Shadow


anymore but also I can't be myself because that's not sitting well with you


know everybody else it so I was like just wednes Saturday how many how many


we shows do I have this week that I can just go and like forget about what's going on and just Express I think I


think you know musical theater in it itself is great for that expression as well and for being somebody else other


than yourself you know putting on a role and just being able to you know let it all out there and I


think it it teaches you skills such as teamwork you know and you know that's one of our transversal skills which you


teach you know all over the place no matter what subject you're doing but it's teamwork and and reading people and


getting on with people that maybe have one common interest like musical theater


but they maybe also are really into like Star Wars or also really into like playing musical instrument or reading or


whatever but you you you have to get on and if you don't get on the performance is going to fail so you are put into


these like high pressured situations and you just do it and you respect one another you um listen to what they have


to say you work out your problems because there's always going to be problems um but you do it together and


then you create this magical thing at the end and then you have that so you move on to the next one problems the


girls they F like cat and dog terrible I was like the referee between them going right okay but like yet the


the closest Bunch like not like even then you're still really close but like


oh my goodness the oh yeah there's always drama in the theater isn't there


there's yeah but like you say I think it's a high pressure environment that brings us


all get so we have all these like issues and problems and different personalities and but we're all working


to like a common goal that that with theater it must happen at a a certain


time yeah in a certain way yeah and everything must come together yeah and


and you find a way don't you you you must um yeah there's something in that


isn't there I think in that in that high pressure moment of yeah we we've got to


do this we've got to put those issues to one side for the show is going to start at 7:30 yeah yeah that's it and you just


have to get on with it and I think that that is something that you've got to learn and it certainly develop because


it is a skill but um we we definitely learned so much and even just you know


being able to talk to strangers like not in a dangerous way but you know know like how many times within a school


environment or even in a work environment do you have to maybe stand up and do a presentation and you're being able to just say a few lines will


help you do that you know so you're talk English talking and listening maybe it wasn't as scary for you because you just


stand up performing you know well somebody else that's a massive massive thing or doing a presentation in your


workplace you can do it because you've got that experience from the theater yeah and I guess that's that's really


important to to note as well because some people might think I'm not going to send my kids to a musical theater group


because they're not that's not what they're going to do when they're older they're not going to go into musical theater but you just touched on some


really important transferable skills yeah yeah and so what skills have you


guys because you said like you said yourself LJ that you've got other businesses and what about yourself Tim


what what else do you do so I I'm a teacher by trade I'm a primary school teacher so um just like Lauren said the


whole idea of going into your first placement and you know being in a classroom with 30 little faces looking


up at you like for a lot of people who were on my course like they were


petrified of that moment and I was like yeah no problem it's fine because at that point I had already started you


know uh LJ eventually you know transitioned and left stage girl I never


did um because I got to the age of like 18 and then Sharon who was running the


stage go at that time was like would you not just stay on and like help out in classes and so then that I did that and


then I moved to being one of their dance teachers choreographers and I I'm still there to this day Lauren has returned


because her two kids now go to the stage girl so Lauren's back in the fold like


she's never been away but so I'm I have never left stage school um so yeah I


teach which is much easier because I had stage girl cuz I can communicate you


have to put on a show every day you know you've got to make it engaging and motivate the kids and it's it's it's a


lot of you know it's a play you know from 9:00 to 3 um and then I've gone on


to choreographing uh choreography for different amateur companies and you know


which you know stand in front of a a room full of adults some who maybe


aren't as open to the ideas that you're expressing in or they've had a bad day in work and they're like why am I here


I'd rather be at home sitting on this um sofa you know it's helped me to be able


to manage that room and you know to engage them and fire them up so I owe a


huge amount of my skills and my knowledge and my learning to Stage go and I don't think any of that would have


been as easy for me if I hadn't had that from you know the age of six up it


sounds like you've really embraced it into to your life like 100% haven't you it is probably the biggest part of my


life that creative side you know I don't know what I would do if I didn't have


that but I've had it all you know because thankfully my parents did put me


into Stage SCH at such a young age it's been there my whole life you know even before that I remember going to you know


rehearsals and sitting beside dad at the keyboard and like just going oh wow what


are these people in front of me doing like they're singing and dancing and they're wearing costumes and they're


playing a part and it's Larger than Life it's bright it's colorful it you know I


was I was pretty much hooked from probably birth to be quite honest with you soon as you came out you were


singing and dancing yeah that's ta we tap she's on tapping away well see that


was with my daughter my daughter the moment she was born I knew she was going to be a performer it just just wriggling


away way to music and it's just I think it's just it just is some people performing isn't it it just it's just


within us we have we have to get it out yeah and it's just a form of expression


and it's that learn you're constantly learning but another thing that I I want to touch on that I really feel I Learned


was respect for people giving you orders like or telling you what to do like


obviously you know we're Millennials um so the generations after us from probably aren't as good as us you know


that's just Millennial isn't it any but we had and still do have so much


respect for those that are in a position of authority um but understanding that they're telling you something to either


keep you safe or to teach you um so that you can be better you know the reason


for saying you did that wrong is because you did it wrong you know I need to respect that and I need to try and do


better so I feel that's where I I was able to bring that into my personal life and give everything a go and I'm maybe


not the best person at taking criticism but I will eventually take it on board and


change I'm saying nothing I will I will but if somebody


has said especially in in in theater somebody says be quiet or you know um


here I this is what you need to do here I'll go okay I need to do that you know and listening to people not everybody


has been skills but I feel like we we were taught some amaz I'm taught by some amazing people and got to experience


being in professional Productions that not everybody gets the opportunity to do and we realize how privileged and and


lucky we were but yeah like you said like if somebody is him and Han about sending a child to their local community


theater just do it because they will learn so many skills which will help them later on in life and just that


confidence to be able to give anything a go might not always succeed which sometimes is better because you learn


from your mistake mistakes but give it a go and something magical Could Happen even the backing of Arts within schools


you know I think I think that's really important as a teacher I think the role


of Art and drama within the classroom is really really important I think it's the


the number one thing that I've discovered in my career that has helped


you know those quieter kids that maybe don't have very much self-esteem or confidence like drip feeding that idea


of role play or freeze frames or hot sting where they're not being themselves


they're be they're having to be somebody else and when when they push themselves


out of the comfort zone to give that a go like I you notice then how their


confidence and their self-esteem begins to grow so that child who wouldn't have said a word at the beginning of the year


by the end of the year is actually able to stand and front of the class and you know do a presentation or talk about a


hobby or an interest that they have and I don't think that happens without a you


know obviously a a safe environment but like that role of the the Arts has


played and drama has played I think really helps children and I think I think now there's a lot of


children that can't socialize and can't talk and I don't think the years of Co


were children weren't in school and they weren't interacting with others has helped them you know it so we're


fighting that as well do you know what I mean than ever isn't it


yeah we've touched on that Co that Co that period of time where all these children were were


separated were at home many alone at home you know parents and stuff but but


separated from their groups and and that could have done some serious damage and So within the Arts is


where we can look to repair it I'd like to think yeah absolutely any damage that


was done in that time for them for sure and we talk a lot about you know mental


health is is very is a subject that we talk about a lot these days which is important for all of us and where do you


feel like that helps the younger people the the Arts within mental health it it


just allies them to express themselves and it's a distraction technique isn't


it in a way you know if you're doing a bit of drama or singing or dancing it's like an r in in their day where they're


not you know mulling over whatever it is that is is their issue or they're


worried about you know they can forget about it they can just have fun and


express themselves and and focus their energy and their attention on something else and I think a purpose doesn't it


yeah absolutely and it's a it's an environment where they're going to naturally meet and interact yeah with


other people which also helps you know talking to somebody else yeah I think so so not only are they come and maybe do a


PO theater or whatever in the Arts and they're doing that to take their mind


off anything that is worrying them they're then finding people who are may be similar to them and they eventually


hopefully should be able to open up and that that's what we found we' really relied on each other some in some very


tough times in our lives um but like what i' said at the beginning we know


whenever we're feeling a little like that and we can we can have those conversations and allow that person to


to open up so yeah Arts is is special in loads of different ways and I think it's only as you get older you realize all


those skills are still with you yeah you don't you don't know them at the time do you I there's no point when I was do


started all this when I was 15 16 did I go oh I'm learning so much here and I'm getting so many skills and I'm working


out life I didn't ever consider that until I look back um so I guess that's up to some of


us older ones to kind of highlight it for them so we can kind of maybe guide


them in that that direction um and I'm thinking about my I'm thinking about my son now so my


son's now 18 but he joined a local drama group called Class Act theater school


and when he started he was is very very quiet and in a in in his shell um but by


the time he was 10 he could he got up at my wedding stood on a chair and did a


speech amazing yeah he wouldn't have done that if he hadn't have done the


theater school we had a lot of help from his gr as well um she helped him a lot so she's got a credit there to help with


the confidence um but but also the the doing the theater stuff and he doesn't want to do theater mov mov forward now


he's 18 he's he's he's might he's he's very mathematical um but it's given him


skills that he can use in life and he can he can talk to people and he's very


friendly and I and again and I'd say that that that that he's very open with


people and I I credit that to being part of the part of the drama school when he was younger yeah yeah


it's so it's so important yeah like I see it year upon year in stage girl like


you know new children who join you and by the end of the year they're a


different child like completely different because it's it's quick too it doesn't seem for most children it seems


to develop a at quite a rate it's not like they have to work on this for like


five years and then you know you can see a marked difference I think it's just that that safe environment to just let


go and you know be you and and give you things a go and know that nobody's going


to be judging you or looking at you or you know giving you a hard time if it you know you land on your face you know


it's fine you get yourself up yourself off and you go again and nobody really


worries about it do you know what I mean I think it's it's yeah there's a special place in theater for support networks


isn't there and connection definitely build something special yeah like I say the for me the


the the best friendships that I've that I've had are through theater they're the ones that have


stayed around for life and and we'll stay around for the for the rest of it is yeah through the connections that we


make in in the theater World from us she keeps dragging me


back that's good that's good that's lovely and because because as adults as well we're expected now may or maybe we


put the pressure on ourselves to go and do you know we've got responsibilities and we got bills and things and do Norm


normal jobs um so it's really great when when you can be pulled back into it yeah


yeah what about yourself LJ what do you do as your as your other your other job your other business so I I teach um post


16 so but usually in an environment where they maybe have struggled in school so they maybe have been pulled


out of school for um a certain length of time just to try and get them smaller um courses um to try and


build up their confidence um or they are moving on like as a steeping Stone um


and they maybe have like special educational needs um so still like that teaching but it's a little bit more


laidback um and we're maybe teaching some of those softer skills rather than


um I'm certainly not a ma or English teacher at all but like customer service


and creative and all of that stuff like it and whatever so how do you feel like


your your skill set from musical theater has helped what you're doing now with these young people so adaptability 100%


so and I'm constantly reading um my Learners so whenever they walk into the


room I can tell if they have a good day if they're having a good day or a bad day just by their body language um and I


can see am I going to be able to follow that lesson plan today or am I going to have to do something a little bit more


get them on their feet or are they totally disengaged that role play that I have you know is not going to work um so


I'm going to have to change that up so I think just that being flexible and adaptable and as Timothy said just stand


in front of the class and just you know waffle for a little bit as a Time filler


um because maybe that activity that you had planned that should have lasted half an hour has only lasted 10 minutes


because they're refusing to do any work um so yeah just those adaptable skills and I've really brought that in and and


as Timothy said I can talk forever it doesn't always make sense but I I can at least


talk which brings me back to to your podcast then so what's happening with


your podcast the moment where are you guys you like you say 54 55 episodes


what is what is happening right now I think we would like to um push the


buildo we bit more more push ourselves out of that comfort zone we were talking about earlier you know um and maybe get


a few more guests that are in the industry that we know we don't know at all you know you know we know them


because they because we've heard of them or we've seen them do things in the industry but it would be nice to get you


know a few more guests on like that um there's the potential of maybe doing a


live recording from one of the um the theaters in the west end this year so


hopefully that might happen soon um just still in the works out there in the universe and you never know what might


come you know yeah so that's certainly what we're thinking if you anything to


add there cuz like Lauren is the brains behind it like I have to I have to tell


you I arrive and just talk nonsense do you know what I mean like she's the one that's on the social she's on the Tik


Tok like I just do what Lauren tells me because that's what I've done since the age of six


so know it works so yeah and I think what we have really discovered from the


podcast is how wonderful lyricists are and how amazing composers are and it's


not that we didn't have respect for those people we obviously 100% did but the whole podcast is maybe breaking down


the lyrics and seeing what does that word mean or what are they referencing


in that so we're not always looking at like a performance as such we're maybe looking at just the music so I would


love to maybe get some more creative people on and like U you know liting designers how does that work and um you


know we've had a couple of um interviews with people and talked about the addition process and you know we've gone


through things like that too but I would love to really start yeah beefing it out


a little bit and and getting loads of people from the industry just to kind of share their stories and see hi because I


think I think if unless you're involved in theater you don't realize how many people are there you've got your stage


manager got your lightting designer you've got your director your md you've got chaperon there to look after


children you've got um costumes you've got assistant costume you know there's just so many people and a lot of the


times because of the the stuff that we grew up in it's a community theater and people are giving their time freely and


willingly and you go along you maybe see somebody that you know on a show and you walk out you go that was great well done


but you don't realize that there was 50 people behind that stage making that one hour performance magical yeah no there


is yeah it's such a community isn't there that uh that it brings together


theater yeah and it's it's it's wonderful that you're sharing that that you're that you're showing people that


that there isn't just the the people on the stage Under The Lights there is all the people behind it as well and even


there's like I think there's like three or four layers to theater isn't there you got the first layer on the stage the


people the audience is seeing then there's the people behind the wings then there's the people that are controlling


the technology the lights and the sound then there's the people that that wrote the show compos the music it it just it


goes on and on and on doesn't it and it's and and those areas those places


they really do need to have a light shined on them as well those outter circles yeah absolutely and it it shows


people that there is opportunity there for them to get involved because not everyone wants to be on the stage do


they no that's it that's it and you don't always have to be on the stage and in fact your skills you know for being


able to control you know the liting I like I wouldn't have a clue how to do any of that stuff and I just think that


that's mesmerizing um you know you could teach somebody who's really into like engineering they may be able to like


help with that and you know I don't know there's just so many skills there is yeah


so who who have you got lined up then is there anyone lined up at the moment like technical wise to to come on


soon a with maybe a a choreographer and uh a director we'll maybe start with the


that creative layer first and then maybe there's just few stage managers that


where're we're going to approach and yeah so we're just at the moment we've got a list of people that we would like


to kind of wish list and hopefully they say yes of course we'll come on your podcast yeah only us you you can


yeah we are still enjoying like that kind of delving into the different shows


like at this point we were like will we still have enough musicals like are we going to run out of musicals and the


answer to that is no I don't think if we were to do this podcast for the next 10 years there will still be musicals that


we haven't looked at do you know what I mean um like we're like 50 episodes in


and haven't even touched on some of the really big musicals that everybody like noways knows so because it's not that


we've gone for obscure ones it's just there are so many musicals and sometimes we forgot about that one or what about


this and you just which is lovely that we have got material there that we can talk about for a long time but we can


also add in different elements from choreographers and directors and you know get just different um experiences


and conversations going what does the process look like for you guys for setting up does all the


discovery happen on the podcast or is there is there like a buildup to it I


know that Tim you just turn up and and chat me I have my book book right do


I'll do we do our own like kind of research so we'll decide upon what musical we want to do next and we go


away separately and we delve into here and we we you know look at the lyrics


again if it's a show that we have previous experience of either we've been in it or you know we've seen it uh we


will also like you know talk about that talk about that but we don't talk to


each other about what we've discovered so then you know the first time we we


share our musical lyrical lingos is on the podcast and it's quite interesting you know sometimes we have the same


musical lyrical lingo we have the same learning or sometimes I will have learned something and she'll look at me


going are you daed how did you not know that um there's also we've discovered a


lot of misheard lyrics that you know for years we've been singing these songs all wrong oh you yourself have been singing


them wrong oh yeah oh yeah yeah I mean we were also learning these musicals before giggle like so or somebody was


just sitting beside a tap and like I think this is what this you know the lyrics are so then we learned like


especially in some of our songs for dance trips like we were singing Whatever sounded like it it needed to be


because you were learning from maybe like the 14y old well you were 10 and then you were that 14year old passing it


on so dear knows what we were saying um so that's all that's kind of become a


thing about misheard lyrics and um mispronunciations because I'm terrible


at that terrible and actually I think by part of Osmosis as as the recording


process continues I'm getting worse and I blame her because I was okay at the


beginning with the whole pronunciations you're learning you're learning from each other good end yeah like I've had


some clangers and I blame her because I was okay when I started but I like the fact that we are separate whenever we're


researching a musical um because I think that that brings a vulnerability to it because when you're by yourself you can


go oh I don't know what that is and write it down and then research it well if you were doing that work together and


I go here I don't know what that is and then somebody goes what you don't know what that is you would kind of be afraid to then admit what you didn't know if


you were doing it together so it's nice that we've done the research before and we come together and then we can go how


did you not know that but it's it seems like it's less harsh I suppose I think


it's so lovely of you at the beginning to kind of say about how the friendship you know our friendship comes out in our


podcast and I'm not so sure that would come out as much if we had planned it together it would be a lot more


structured because let's be honest our podcast has a very very lose structure I mean we I think that's what makes it


special because I don't think anyone wants to listen into factual information


and just be told something yeah I think I think we like to to discover things


together like what you're doing and then the listener can also discover along the way with you yeah that's what I think is


happening here on these but that's why I think podcasts are are taking off and boo and become this new thing is because


I think we all enjoy Discovery don't we yeah absolutely and so you two are doing


this discovery separately you come together you you connect and find something new and then the listener then


comes in as well and discover something on top of that potentially not anything


it makes listeners seem really smart because then they go why did they not know that saying if we didn't know it there


wouldn't be a podcast the whole podcast is about learning and Discovery so yeah yeah and and and again that's


what I'm doing here as well I'm discovering things every day and learning learning new things I'm learning so much from from you guys and


everyone I'm meeting has got something to to offer in that sense of Discovery


and learning it's it's amazing isn't it really yeah absolutely it's lovely and it makes that Journey so much nicer as


well because you're not only learning yourself you're helping others learn and


you you have a real sense of achievement I think you know I I love what what you are doing and listening to everybody's


stories and um there was one week actually what we were talking about in our podcast um was in the everything


talking about Jimmy or everyone's talking about Jimmy podcast when we were talking about work of art yeah and one of your guests was talking about that


specific um art piece the urinal and I was like how weird that you know we are


not like talking about the same thing but yet we and we're in if you were to do like van diagrams there's that little


crossover it's amazing she loves the diagram no I've things like that so


fascinating as well about like the I had a I had a situation yesterday where things were me and people were


connecting and I was like how is this how is this happening I my a friend of


mine the second guest on the podcast um she talks a lot about Connections and ripple effects of the


universe and things like that um and then she told me about someone else's


podcast to listen to and I reached out to him two days ago and on the same day


he reached out to her not knowing the connection like and he's in Los Angeles


as well and it was just there was just like this strange like connection thing going on that it was like how is this


happening how we and like you said about like talking about same subjects at the same time and and they come together it


might just all be coincidence or it might genuinely mean something I know don't know um but I'm very curious to


find out more it's it's creative and Arty people kind of just get drawn to


other creative and Arty people yeah yeah do you think that's what it is then it's the


I you find somebody like who's in that realm you know yeah


actually saying about so I'm going to a podcast event a podcast networking event


okay this week and I was thinking should I go should I go I booked the tickets last night paid for it so I have to go


now yeah I was I'm in an RM a little bit because again I so every now and then I


go back to that previous mind state that I used to have of oh I'm not very confident and I'm not very good at


talking to people yeah and I that actually I have got the skill set to do that now so I don't need to be have not


have the confidence of that um so yeah I'm going there to to Network and and


obviously there's going to be other types of it's all about podcasting the podcasting show it's called um so if you


guys got any tips for me for connecting with people at this podcasting event


just be yourself you're really easy to talk to like you you have nothing to


worry about that the idea of that event would fill me with absolute Fair because I don't think I don't feel I'm at that


stage yet where I could go and talk face to face with other podcasters but you you're you're more than ready for Martin


enjoy yourself I kind I kind of have that fear like it's like a it's like a thing in the brain that keeps telling me


no I'm I'm not good at doing this and I'm like shut up brain it's okay it's okay you're what


154 episodes so yeah


I think you have to take that self-belief I I have another business where I do have to do a lot of um


networking because I sell a product and if I don't talk about my product nobody's going to know about it and I


had to learn that where I go I I'm not boasting I'm not but if I don't start saying it and and explaining the


benefits of it then I nobody is going to know about it so you need to take that


on board you need to use the network opportunity as an opportunity just to share your story and share what it is


that you do and trust in yourself that you know more than what you realize I think a lot of times we go to you know


like CBD and training events and then you sit back and you go I knew all that but at the beginning you would have been


like I need to go and learn more you know because I don't know enough but then you come away you go actually I did


I just needed the confidence to believe that I knew that so yeah more like I said I think you have a real skill there


and listening and and dragging um you know nonsense out of people but


no I I think you nonsense we haven't talked nonsense on


in fact this is probably the most um sensible we've been I know our best you


made us raise our game Martin thanks off nice I'm really enjoying it I really


do I appreciate that guys um that's very nice to hear and maybe a much needed


little pep talk before I go you know I don't think there's any harm in that is there in giving each other a little pep


talk and a little oh you can do it you can you 100% can and I you know what I


look forward to hearing what you say about it on the socials I'll put it on the socials and I'll be sure to tell people there about


about you guys as well thank you yeah app it we might be there next year you


never know we'll see how it goes yeah exactly it looks like a good event like they've got James C's gonna be there


talking so they got some they got some big names there doing doing talks and yeah even if I just come Away Learning I


might learn something yeah that's I want I'd like this to grow I'm very I am actually very proud of what what I've


been building here so I'd like it to to become bigger and better and um and in to do that I


know I need to learn some stuff um and I need to make some connections and so so


that's my that's my only hope from it really um and to get rid of that negative selft talk as well that yeah


just make it smaller just make that's all you need to do just make that smaller you know negative thoughts just


make them smaller yeah I guess everybody's G be there that's I mean I think it's


sometimes we feel like they have to go away well they're not they're not ever going to fully go away but if they just don't take up the majority part of our


thinking um then I think they can get through things but good luck for it all and thank you so much for having us and


if and D just break into song and dance Martin like that's all well I love watching musical theater but I'm


terrible at it I've been in one musical theater show Westside Story oh that's a biggie you


know like and I and I I was only in the chorus but I don't know how I got


in I don't know I think I had the the right look but um I even remember one of the dancers that auditioned I I bumped


into her a few days after the audition and she said how'd it go for you because I didn't get in and I was like oh I got


in and she was like what what


how how the hell did you do that um yeah I'd love to be good at musical theater


but um I I don't think it'll be fair on the audience we all have our skills we all


all have our our Channel yes so are you still doing musical theater do you are


you still doing shows I I don't on stage anymore I would I would be behind the


scenes not choreographing I do a lot of choreography um because I actually got


to the point as an adult where I didn't have as much confidence as I did as a child on stage and I went oh I'm done


with performing in front of people and I was much more interested then in the creative side of things so I kind of


made that jump over however in the last year or two I'm kind of going I might


like to give tread on the boards a we go you know one final one final you know go


it I think I'm of an age now where I can play a few of those parts that I've I've


always had a mind of oh wouldn't it be great if I could play this or so we'll see what about you I do I don't do


anything well I am more sort of like behind the scenes and um because the


kids are are involved I enjoy that so I feel like I'm you know doing the podcast and helping uh with costumes and


anywhere anybody sort of needs me I love to help like I re I'm a really good helper I'm I can do this I can do that


um or I can learn how to it so that I can do it for you um but yeah so that's been nice but I think unless there was a


part that really called me I don't think I I could go out on stage again which I


suppose is a shame but you never know watch this face that's very S I think that's


probably probably about being in a stage of our life I'm very similar but but then I like I'd really


want to be on the stage but I haven't actually been on the stage since 2016 okay because I've been seeking I've


been seeking professional work and keeping myself available for professional work that hasn't really


paid off and then we had covid in between and all of a sudden all the years have gone by and I'm I am itching


to get to get back on the stage I'd like to find a way there but at the same time I I say that same thing as you LJ that I


want a part to call to me I'm I'm listening out for that part that that is that that resonates that um


yeah rather than because because it is we do have to put a lot of time into it don't we that's


it real life sometimes gets in the way and which is a shame but you know that's


why if it's the right part you feel like you would make time for it so guys as we as we look to wrap this


this up if um here's a hypothetical for you we get in a time machine together


and um we're going to look at a podcasts five years from now what would the what would it look


like oh God you can go first oh my God that's it's just the dream it's just the


dream hopes I would I would love that if we


are still fortunate to be doing it and enjoying it in five years time that it's


a podcast where up andc comers like people new


into the industry are wanting to get involved in um I think because we being


those young kids with dreams I would love to it to be a platform where somebody could come on and share um what


their skills were and what what type of jobs they were interested in and getting help for how to addition and um land


those dream roles and yeah I think I think so mine's a bit more selfish I'd


love to do I'd love to be doing like live podcasts I have my yeah well no I mean like on like on


stage like get it like I'm thinking London Plum to be honest Martin like you know I would love musical L lyrical


lingo lingo live at the London Plum now that's hard to say yes yes you know what


I'll book my ticket now can I can I reserve you'll be you'll be a guest you'll be coming on yeah no but like


that kind of idea it's lovely to see when podcasts like you know get to a


certain size that they then go actually we could like car a venue and like do a


live one and have a live audience and yeah that would be really Co and it kind


of like you know we love doing our podcasts but we also loved being on stage Once Upon a Time you know so it be


lovely to kind of combine the two of those together let's do it five years


time let do it it do it well so for me it's it's interesting that you say that because that's my my oneye anniversary


show is going to be amazing you got a date yet or so so like


I said I'm lucky to have a community theater that's nearby it's not going to be open to the to the public okay um I'm


just gonna be inviting guests that have been on the show so if you want to come over to the UK for it um it's uh yeah


it'll be on the 30th of July um starting to put it together now but yeah like like a live show um yeah start it start


it off at the at the one year anniversary um but yeah I think that's I I see that as a dream as well of of of


doing these conversation lives I think people really enjoy them when they're working well and there is entertainment


space within it as well and to bring the two elements together that we love could


be really special couldn't it yeah absolutely yeah 100% well all the best with that that's


so exting so and I look forward to continue to listening to your podcast so


um yeah as as we finish this I just want to say I really do appreciate you guys joining me today


um if anyone wants to to find out more about you guys and find your podcast how


do how do we find you so we are on all the socials we are um on YouTube um at


musical ER lingo we are on Tik Tok at musical pod and Instagram at musical


lcal lingo um and we are on all the ma major um podcast platforms um but if you


just want to find us and just listen to us you could just type in musical Lal Ino into your search bar and our Buzz um


Sprite feed will come up wonderful this has been great guys I've really enjoyed it thank you so much thank you very much


if if anyone's been watching or listening uh we appreciate you as well for for joining this conversation um and


if you want to find out more about the BTS creative Academy do do you guys know what you should do well uh Tik Tok is


where you have but you also have your channel on YouTube yeah it's like the same as you guys everywhere just just


keep it simple just search BTS creative Academy that's all you need to do so thanks guys appreciate you thank you


very much bye bye bye bye

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